you can always find my twitter (@rajclaw) but if you cant i also post guides without pictures here
until i figure out how to post pics :P
Any way on this blog and on my twitter i will post times for you guys to meet me
but i will be busy sometimes cause of school and homework and stuff
i wish all the other cp bloggers out there good luck cause i'm a new blogger
and if you wondering if i have ever met any other cp bloggers or just youtube penguins
i have met saraapril and nachozrule both of them have a youtube but from what i know saraapril has
a website and nachoz doesn't
but i would like to say that i will post guides and such
also i post some things on youtube but not very much so i wont say my channel name for now
anyway i will see you around penguins
P.S. my favorite cp item is the 3D glasses and if anyone can think of a name for penguins that read my blog please tell me
From the head blogger
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